Caitlyn Ketzle
With the intention of bringing joy and comforting patients, the student council plans to donate stuffed animals to the Cooks Children’s Medical Center by hosting the Teddy Bear Toss, and collecting donations throughout the week. The Toss will be held on Feb. 6 during halftime of the varsity boys home game that begins at 7:15 p.m.
To bring joy and comfort to patients, the student council plans to donate stuffed animals to the Children’s Medical Center Plano by hosting the Teddy Bear Toss and collecting weekly donations. The Toss will be held tonight during halftime of the varsity boys home game that begins at 7:15 p.m.
Stuffed animals will be collected in room 1217 or otherwise brought to the game for donation.
“We are fortunate to live in Prosper, and with the resources and privileges we have, reaching out to others is not only within our capabilities but is also part of our responsibility to others,” community service chairperson senior Kyra Sauter said. “We give to others to show gratitude for what we’ve been given and to show compassion to those around us.”
The Walnut Grove Executive Student Council chose to donate Children’s because of the personable action of choosing a stuffed animal and knowing where and who it is going to.
“Being high school students means that we are close to or the same age as some of the patients from Children’s Hospital,” executive member and sophomore Berkley Schulte said. “So, not only are we giving back to the community, but we are giving back to our peers.”
Growing up in and out of a hospital, Schulte said her dad’s coworkers would give her new stuffed animals.
“It was extremely comforting to have something there with you when someone isn’t in the room,” Schulte said. “I think that people should donate because, although we are not directly donating money for the children’s hospital, we are giving them a source of comfort in their medical situations.”
Student council adviser Ashlee Armstrong hopes to receive at least 100 stuffed animals from donations thrown on the court.
“Once we actually get all of the teddy bears, we will probably do some sort of write-up on who it went to, why we are doing it, and the benefits of the cause,” Armstrong said.
In preparation for the event, the student council created signs and posters to hang in the main hallways and posted information on their social media.
“We have had people make announcements,” Armstrong said. “A lot of it has been promotion and word of mouth to get people knowing about it and to get people involved.”
The idea of a teddy bear toss originated from a tradition in professional sports, such as hockey, where fans throw teddy bears onto the ice to celebrate.
“It is something that is giving back to the community,” Armstrong said. “If we can just help those people around us, hopefully, it will become a new school tradition.”
Students and staff are encouraged to wear their pajamas to school and the game to support the boys’ basketball game against Frisco Heritage for the title of District Champion.
“Everyone should participate in the Teddy Bear Toss,” executive student council member junior Fiona Starks said. “Not only do you get to throw stuffed animals on the court, but it is going to a good cause.”