Nicole Steel is a senior on the varsity tennis team and previously played on the varsity tennis team at Prosper High School. Apart from tennis, Steel is a member of the Executive Student Council, Mu Alpha Theta, the Science National Honor Society, the National Honor Society, the Salt Athletic Leadership Team, and was a spirit leader.
1. Do you have any hobbies/interests you would like to talk about?
Steel: I’m an avid F1 and Ferrari fan. During the season, every weekend, I sit down and watch the races with my friends and family, and it inspired me to choose the career path I want to pursue. I also enjoy cooking, photography, hanging out with my friends and family, and putting myself through extreme stress watching my favorite soccer team, Tottenham, play.
2. Who do you feel most inspires you?
Steel: I feel like both of my parents inspire me the most. They both have taught me so many valuable life lessons, and I would be nowhere near the person I am today without them. They always push me to be the best version of myself and to shoot for the stars, and those are pieces of advice I really take to heart.
3. Do you have a favorite high school memory?
Steel: My favorite memory has to be winning the regional playback match to qualify for state my sophomore year. Getting to experience such an emotional high surrounded by some of my closest friends is a moment I will never forget, and I hope to experience it again this year.
4. Which teacher or staff member had the biggest impact on you? Why?

Steel: I’ve been very lucky to have had some amazing teachers throughout my life, but I think the teacher who has had the biggest impact on me was my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Walker. She was the first teacher to push me to what I was capable of, and she also introduced me to what being an engineer was like. But, a close second to her is Mr. Easley. I had him sophomore year for AP World, and I can proudly say that because of him, I embraced my inner history nerd. I always looked forward to attending his class, and he made learning history fun for everyone. He always tries to connect to every one of his students, and sometimes, that’s something rare to have in high school. Even now, I still go up to him in the hall and give him banter about Arsenal and A&M, and I still enjoy having moments like that.
5. What extracurricular activity are you most proud of participating in?
Steel: I think I’m most proud of participating in tennis. At the beginning of last year, our team had no culture or traditions and was starting from scratch. I’m proud to say that now, as a team, we have all of that and a winning culture that fosters all of the little things our coaches consider important. I want to think I have played a role in helping to create the team we have now, but even if not, it’s something I look forward to going to every day.
6. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Steel: I have two main pieces of advice I would give to my freshman self and anyone: Don’t procrastinate and get involved. I still procrastinate a lot and consider it a bad habit, but I think if I hadn’t done such a bad job at the beginning of high school, I would be much better now. I also think getting involved is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Some of my favorite memories have been with people I’ve met from clubs I’m in, and I think the best way to find out what you are passionate about is by trying so many different things. Also, there is no shame in school spirit, so take pride in being a wildcat and get involved with the community around you.
7. What are you most excited about in this next phase of your life?
Steel: I’m excited to be more independent and get a fresh start in everything. I’m an only child, so going to college means living with someone else for the first time, so I’m excited about that experience. I am also excited to get to live in a new place and travel a lot more with my friends.
8. Do you have any upcoming travel plans or adventures?
Steel: I am really excited about traveling to Yellowstone with my cousins in July. I will also visit Purdue’s campus sometime in March, so I’m excited to visit the nearby area.
9. As a senior, what are your future plans or aspirations?
Steel: Depending on where I go to school, I plan to major in either aerospace engineering or motorsport engineering. Eventually, I hope to work for an F1 team or in the motorsport industry as an Aero Design Engineer and a Race Engineer.