The Walnut Grove Color Guard embarks on an all-day journey to make their first ever half-time show appearance in Arkansas. These girls have been dedicated to attending morning and after school practices, sectionals, and pep rallies. They learn new choreography in a week and put it on the field like they’ve known it for months. Captains Aly Fallwell and Jayden Howeth give insight on what their experiences with Color Guard has been like so far.
Walnut Grove Color Guard Makes A Colorful Entrance at Arkansas
Color Guard Prepares for Halftime Show
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About the Contributor
Lydia McNamara, Photojournalist
Lydia McNamara is a freshman at Walnut Grove High School. She is a dedicated member of the Walnut Grove color guard, a talented musician, and a loyal friend. Lydia enjoys writng creative stories, taking nature pictures, and hanging out with friends and family in her free time. Lydia is excited to be a part of the history in the making this year. Lydia loves to perform and work hard to acheive her goals.